Mobile babies...

..does not mean babies you can use to make a wireless phone call, unfortunately it means babies who can now get to another area of the room/house without your arms and legs.
I remember when Savannah became mobile she quickly realized this crawling thing was slowing her down, so within a month of mastering crawling she had mastered walking. I took her walking for her first Halloween, she was 10 months old.
I doubt either of the twins will be walking for their first Halloween, but Audrey has discovered if she puts her feet down when she's being set down to sit, she can stand instead, and she likes it.
Bowie is my planner. He isn't about to jump willy nilly into this crawling thing without practicing balance and being very sure he is steady enough to make it from point A to point B without slipping. Bowie will get up on all fours and rock back and forth, back and forth, get down again on his belly, maybe take a thumb sucking break, and then it's back up for more rocking practice.
They both have taken to baby wrestling and seem to enjoy it a lot, even when it makes Mommy wince.
And so they continue into their first year of life. Ready or not Momma, there they go!